Buyers Guide: Don’t Wait, Get Your Credit Report Early
If you are a buyer in the Windsor real estate market you have a good sense of the market. You know it is rapidly evolving and swift action is typically required. When searching for houses for sale in Windsor and viewing the Windsor homes you think might be right for you, you typically do not have a lot of time to ponder if you should act. You need to have your Windsor REALTOR® submit your offer, and a strong one at that. You do not want any unforeseen issues to pop up and cause delays that could ultimately cost you your opportunity to purchase.
One potential issue is your financing. Any hiccups there will almost certainly derail your chances of purchasing. With an average 8 days on market, you need to have your proverbial ducks in a row in order to act quickly. When it comes to financing, there is one simple thing you can do to help. Get your credit checked and get your credit report.
Your credit report is essentially your history of payments against financial obligations. It will cover how consistently you pay them back and yours is created when you borrow money or apply for credit for the first time. From there, the companies that lend money or issue credit cards to you will continuously send specific information about your financial relationship with them - when you opened the account, if payments are made on time, if a payment is missed, or credit limit exceeded - to Credit Reporting Agencies. This information is what ultimately makes up your credit report and score. Those are key factors that are taken under consideration when applying for a mortgage.
Financial experts recommend reviewing your Credit Report once a year. While maintaining a good credit history involves paying bills on time, it is also important to perform regular and careful inspections of the information that is reported in your credit file and correct inaccuracies in order to produce good reports. The last thing you want when you apply for your mortgage is to see a “blemish” that could delay, or even sink your plans to purchase a home. So get ahead of yourself, get your credit report annually. It is even a good practice if you don’t plan on applying for any credit or loans, because you never know when you’ll need to.
Here at Jump Realty our agents will give you honest advice on what course of action is best for you in their professional opinion and will always put taking care of your best interests first! With offices in Windsor, Tecumseh, Kingsville, LaSalle, and Chatham, no matter where you are, a Jump agent is ready to help. Please contact us for any housing needs and let us give you a better real estate experience!